Trusted by international top brands

fun facts
What makes me special?
I am a truly 'hybrid' professional, with a passion for marketing but most of all for tough challenges. I have an 'always learning' approach to all situations. I have had an international experience right from the start.
hard skills
Key Strenghts
Performance &
Growth Marketing
Experience in running 25M$ yearly budget campaigns in 20+ international markets, 15 languages (1M+ keywords, across all CPC main channels in Search, Social, Display)
Pioneered use of machine learning algorithms to manage bidding platforms ROI prediction, propensity and attribution modeling, large website architecture (3M+ pages), efficiency in marketing operations.
& Entrepreneurship
Managed teams of up to 20 teams (80+ different people throughout experience) with different seniorities, skillsets. Built my own and co-managed start-ups.
& Storytelling
Personal and professional background in web/print journalism (product and music reviews, short stories, creative content marketing and PR campaigns).

soft skills
Cognitive Skills
I invest regularly in meditation, self-reflection and focus to make sure I am aware of my motivation, perspective, biases before approaching something.
Using critical and logical thinking to break down problems in smaller chunks, questioning assumptions and dogmas to look at it in as many ways as possible and look for solutions.
You cannot communicate well if you don't understand the other person/people's experience, way of thinking, and previous information. Active listening is a key part in making a team and any relationship work.
Some of my projects
all projectsResults need great tools.
What people say about me

Matthew Walls
Matteo is a highly skilled digital marketeer. He has deep knowledge across all the customer acquisition channels, but in particular SEO and SEM. As well as being very smart and analytical he has a keen commercial brain and is also a strong people manager. As you might tell, I recommend Matteo highly.

Vito Perrone
sr director of e-commerce, expedia
Matteo joined Venere in 2009 as the newest member of the SEO team. From the beginning, I was really impressed by his dedication, hard work, creativity and ability to smoothly pick up new things and pro-actively take projects forward.

Roberto Lattanzio
Besides being my manager at Venere, Matteo has been a team-mate, a companion and an authoritative, senior point of reference for me. Competent and easy going, possessing a strong work ethic but fun to be around, Matteo is an empathetic and honest person who takes pride in helping individuals developing their careers and faces any work situation with a smile on his face.

Simona Vinci
I had the pleasure to work with Matteo when he was at As a manager for the EMEA team he communicated clearly and kept the team organised. During tough times his wit and positive attitude helped the team move forward and overcome challenges. Matteo would be an asset to any team!